Veterinary CE Requirements by State
As a service to the veterinary community, a part of the VIN Family, maintains a listing of each state’s continuing education requirements - including the overall number of hours required and specific courses, if any.
Select your state from the list below to learn about your state’s specific Continuing Education requirements for veterinarians.
States (A-Z)
Arizona (opioid mandate)
California (antimicrobials mandate and sexual harassment prevention mandate)
Colorado (opioid mandate)
Connecticut (sexual harassment prevention mandate)
Delaware (controlled substances mandate and sexual harassment prevention mandate)
Florida (legend drugs mandate and laws/rules governing veterinary medicine mandate)
Georgia (Georgia laws, rules, and professionalism mandate)
Illinois (opioid mandate and sexual harassment prevention mandate)
Indiana (opioid mandate)
Maine (controlled substances mandate and sexual harassment prevention mandate)
Maryland (controlled substances mandate)
Michigan (controlled substances mandate and medical records mandate)
Nebraska (opioid mandate)
New Jersey (opioid mandate)
New York (opioid mandate and sexual harassment prevention mandate)
North Carolina (controlled substances mandate)
Oklahoma (opioid mandate and pain management mandate)
Oregon (antimicrobials mandate and appropriate analgesic and anesthetic methods mandate)
South Carolina (controlled substances mandate)
Tennessee (controlled substances mandate)
Texas (opioid mandate)
Utah (opioid mandate and improving communication in the workplace mandate)
Washington (suicide prevention mandate)
Wyoming (controlled substances mandate)
Washington, DC (training on patients/clients who identify as LGBTQ mandate and public health issues mandate)